The Importance of Logic and Flow in Cold Emails
Writing emails is hard. Here are some tips to help improve the logic and flow of your cold email writing.

When we're writing, we often get trapped in our own thoughts.
We're either rushing to get something done or not present. This lack of intentionality shows in our emails.
It creates gaps in our logic.
These gaps are a hidden reply rate killer. They create a break in your reader's flow. It jars them in all the wrong ways. It pulls them away from the narrative.
The segues in your writing are just as important as the main points.
Email Writing Tip: Create a Flow
Usually, the culprit of these jarring moments in our email is templates. We try to slap personalization on the template, but it never fits. A personalized email is rarely one size fits all. It's why we suggest breaking your template down into a framework.
Frameworks force you to see the logic behind the template. This awareness creates better logic.
Let's use one of our favorite frameworks as an example:
- Start with an observation.
- A problem or insight you derive from the observation.
- Add credibility to speak to them about that problem.
- What do you do to solve that problem?
- Interest-based CTA
Every piece of the framework ties to the point that precedes it.
This isn't just a template vs. framework problem.
Email Writing Tip: Don't Make Assumptions
When we're writing, we often make assumptions. It's because our mind goes faster than our fingers can type. Those assumptions don't get written down.
Those hidden assumptions are the gaps in your written logic. Your reader, as a result, struggles to follow along.
Your reader doesn't want to struggle. Your reader won't reply to your email if it makes them struggle to assemble the pieces.
It should be easy for your reader to consume and understand your email. Otherwise, you won't earn a reply.
The lesson?
Be intentional when you write. Don't be afraid to revisit old writing with fresh eyes. Ensure that you walk your reader through each step of your thinking.
Be wary of your hidden assumptions.
Don't forget. You can always cut back after you get your ideas down on paper.