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Your magical power to hit quota

Sellers double their reply rate and book more meetings with Lavender. Get real-time, custom feedback on personalization, writing, and optimizing your emails for results.
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"I booked $400k in new business from Lavender's recommendations last month."
Chris Fago
Enterprise AE at Palo Alto Networks
Man smiling while looking at and using his cell phone

Don't worry, our AI won't replace


nothing can.

a yellow sticker that says grow revenue
a pink sticker with the words write better emails
a circle with the words get more positive related to othersa purple heart with a white circle around it
a sticker that says book more meetings

Buyers expect better these days. Inboxes are getting noisier, and harder to reach. Sales teams have to adapt quickly. How do you do that in a way that gets replies, without losing your mind or torching your deliverability?

The magic happens in the inbox. Lavender finds and fixes anything in your email that hurts your chance of getting a reply. Our in-the-moment suggestions are based on your data, so our coaching adjusts as you grow.

Try Lavender for free

the secret


Kevin C.
Kevin C.
Account Executive
"Lavender is helping me make my emails shorter and easier to understand. It is simple to use, integrates easily with existing sales platforms, and helps you write better emails faster!"

Life with


Try Lavender for free
Doubt in your writing process? Not you. Just confidence in every keystroke. And with that comes fewer unsubscribes and fewer emails lost in the abyss.
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Brings recipient research into your inbox, making personalizing emails fast and efficient. Get instant news, insights, personality data, and intro suggestions to maximize every outreach. 
Escape blank page syndrome and use this feature to get an email started. Input simple and direct bullet points, and our AI will generate email copy to work with and personalize.
81% of emails are read on mobile devices. But most are written on desktop computers. The Mobile Editor helps you optimize your email for mobile. This makes your email easier to read on a phone, increasing your chances of reply.

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